“The first person you lead is you!”
— John C.Maxwell
Give A Wink To Your Week With Quick Tips About Leadership!
Make a positive input in your life - decide to know more about the way to lead your life with harmony and joy!
Wink " ;) " is my favourite emoji to suggest to people to be more curious to the facts, information, situations and themselves! I invite you to find here some "wink" insights, encouraging you to lead your way!
FEBRUARY 10, 2022
Strong side of story!
Beautiful morning sunshine. My flower garden brings a lot of joy and my brain flourish by numerous thoughts – today I am thinking about this capacity to judge yourself and easily go to the trap which I call “I am not good enough “.
FEBRUARY 3 , 2022
One day or day ONE?!
One day you will decide, you will be inspired, totally convinced, and with unique enthusiasm you will make a step on the new way! “This is what I will do, this is who I want to become”!
JANUARY 27, 2022
Help! I need somebody!
November 1995... I was 16 years old.
It was my first time in US. I came to visit my colleagues from Californian Leadership Association.
I will never forget this trip, as it was a true paradigm shift. I had no excitement to go there, I didn’t want. My family had been left in Russia, where people thought there was no so good live in America. I
I love social media because of the power of people connection! Who could ever imagine 20 years ago that, sitting in your town, country, in any part of the world, you can easily connect with people all around the globe. Connect, right!! This is so powerful! But... why and for what?!
JANUARY 12, 2022
Be Present
It was a beautiful day – the day like many others..
I like active lifestyle, so I often run to the beach, which is situated in few km from my place, make some exercise there and jump to the water 😉 Because of busy days I schedule my activities to keep my meetings on track – so far I am running 3-4 times per week and give to myself 1H20 for that.
JANUARY 5, 2022
Here on time
Almaty, beautiful city of Kazakhstan, 300 Km from China, at Himalayan chain of mountains …
I was walking on the street in this very hot summer day, +50 C. Near the local mall I saw a young man giving away a pamphlet of one of famous Swedish cosmetic brand.
DECEMBER 30, 2021
And the Winner IS ...
I’ve recently received a short message from my friend - “You are the WINNER”. And I answered with no back thoughts - “Yes, I am”.
Yes, I really consider it as truth, and reality and live as it is! I am happy and grateful for life I have and, frankly speaking, I always get what I want.
DECEMBER 16, 2021
The Leader in You!
People often asks me: “How I can attract leaders to my business?” Or people says : “If this or that person join my team then my business will be successful! “
Well, let me answer to this question giving you extremely positive news, clap the hands, congratulations, we have a winner right now, and, your leader is YOU!
DECEMBER 16, 2021
Excellence first?
I am naturally a curious person and I love the power of communication! I truly believe that we are all connected, and it doesn’t matter the country we are coming from or language we are speaking, we can always find the way to communicate and understand each other, so I am doing it with a lot of joy!
DECEMBER 9, 2021
Man plans, God laughs, and what is good about it?
A very good friend of mine send me a message that he would be in London in few days! He was coming from very far with his wife, such an amazing opportunity to meet! My flight booked, 24 hours to wait till landing in London...